Unofficially Officially – – – – – Jewish


When my daughter’s birth certificate still hadn’t arrived a month later, I knew I had to bite the bullet and call the Ministry. After 57 minutes on hold, I was […]

A Yom HaShoah Benediction


Let’s walk backward together through some of what the last 2000 years of history have brought the Jewish people. I promise I’ll be as succinct as I can: October 7, […]

How I Became Holocaust Girl: A Story for Yom HaShoah


I got the nickname, Holocaust Girl, back in college. Little did they—the poetry department mean girls—know, instead of feeling insulted and ridiculed, as they had hoped, I loved the designation. […]

Upside Down in the Morning


Purim celebrations often revolve around drinking, at least for adults. It is common for people to remind one another of the rabbinic teaching to drink so much one cannot tell […]

Purim, October 7, and Holocaust Inversion


This year, one passage in the Book of Esther is particularly poignant. Before Haman could carry out his deadly plot to “destroy, massacre, and exterminate the Jews, young and old, […]

Living Life On Two Planes


Last week I went to bed very late every night.I had to stay up to see that the day’s hostages were finally safely in Israel. I felt that if I […]