Unofficially Officially – – – – – Jewish


When my daughter’s birth certificate still hadn’t arrived a month later, I knew I had to bite the bullet and call the Ministry. After 57 minutes on hold, I was […]

We All Lose in the Oppression Olympics


A Progressive Queer Jew’s Thoughts on Israel/Palestine, Antisemitism, and Zionism Over the last six months, friends and peers have asked unique questions because of my identity and position as a […]

Tens of Protestors Interrupt Hen Mazzig Event


Around 280 people gathered at the Mayerson JCC on Apr. 15 for the Jewish Federation’s “After Oct. 7” series, a conversation, and Q&A with Israeli activist Hen Mazzig.  Mazzig is […]

Living Life On Two Planes


Last week I went to bed very late every night.I had to stay up to see that the day’s hostages were finally safely in Israel. I felt that if I […]

Visiting The Frontline Of Oct. 7


Note: This is the third article of TC Jewfolk Editor Lonny Goldsmith’s trip to Israel with UpStart and iCenter’s “A Mifgash that Matters,” which is being put on in partnership […]

Becoming Witnesses


TEL AVIV – When I landed at Ben Gurion Airport 10 months ago everything felt different. That makes sense in context; life in Israel before Oct. 7 and after are […]