17 September 2024

Add New Event

Incomplete submissions will not be approved by the editor.
An event image (1360 x 700 pixels) is required to submit an event.

Please consider these helpful tips for filling out this form:

  • Make your title short. Make it snappy. Make it something someone would want to click on to learn more. What is the “coolness factor” of your event? Highlight that in the title if you can, or in the description if not.
  • Your event may appear in the sidebar widget on our homepage and/or we may promote it on our Facebook page. A photo/image goes a long way towards drawing interest.

This calendar is focused on events of interest to Jews and those who love them in Minnesota, especially young adults aged 18-45 and the “young at heart.” TC Jewfolk reserves the right to reject any submission that we deem unappealing to that group. The calendar will be maintained and updated as frequently as possible. If you have questions about your submission or your event, please email [email protected].

Choose a .jpg, .png, or .gif file under 146 MB in size.

Choose Image