Living Life On Two Planes

Last week I went to bed very late every night.I had to stay up to see that the day’s hostages were finally safely in Israel. I felt that if I […]

What Makes This Apple Cake Recipe Jewish?

My father’s family is squarely Ashkenazi, but it’s my mother’s side that passed down this recipe for Jewish Apple Cake. Why did my Italian-Armenian grandmother have a so-called “Jewish” recipe on a yellowed 3” x 5” notecard?

My Mother’s Unconventional Memorial

Mom was ill, possibly dying. I was 40 and newly married, pregnant with our first child. I knew I couldn’t understand what she was going through, and wondered – what would have been like to talk about our shared heritage or discuss faith?

Is My Relationship Doomed Over Mini-Golf?

A hugely important part of new relationships is figuring out what activities you enjoy together. Another aspect is figuring out how you talk about areas of life where you don’t necessarily see eye to eye.