Five Things Not to Say to a Pregnant Lady (That People Have Said to Me)
Are you sure you’re not having triplets? Ouch. And other goodies. Plus a few things you COULD say to a pregnant colleague/friend that would not be awkward and awful.
Are you sure you’re not having triplets? Ouch. And other goodies. Plus a few things you COULD say to a pregnant colleague/friend that would not be awkward and awful.
We are all working together, finding a balance and all of us continue to support one another.
Tips for what to do when a beloved family member passes away.
When the rules no longer apply, what’s a rule-following older sister to do?
I’m a horrid over-sharer and I’m wondering, when it comes to conversion, is that okay, or do I need to rein it in?
In honor of my fourteenth wedding anniversary (it’s tomorrow!), I’m going to tell you about an unexpected improvement to my marriage…
It’s the month of Adar, my friends, the month when Purim occurs. According to the Talmud, “When Adar enters, joy increases.” So are we supposed to simply hope that Adar will be our happiest time of the year because one particularly fun holiday falls during the month?
To anyone else expecting multiples, I thought maybe you might find this list of how I am getting ready for life with twins and a preschooler helpful.
What if we could learn to treat failure as a positive experience?
” There was this crazy thing where grown-ups were behaving badly, but MORE of the grown-ups were doing the right thing, and he will remember that.”