Certified Mohel

Mazal Tov! Celebrate the Miracle of Birth with Expert Care The birth of a child is a beautiful miracle. It is a milestone worthy of celebration, initiating a journey of […]

Friday Night Shabbat

Friday Night Shabbat is a new initiative offering free Shabbat dinners to our target audience of families with young children (at least one child 12 or under) on most Friday nights, except holiday weekends. In addition, interested […]

Cincinnati Jewish Experience

CJX’s mission is to provide a space for anyone seeking to explore their Jewish heritage and pursue the knowledge and guidance needed to make informed decisions about their Jewish future. […]

Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati

Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati is the only Jewish high school for boys in Cincinnati. Since its founding in 2006, the Chabad school has graduated hundreds of young men who are focused […]

The Valley Temple

Valley Temple is a mainstream Reform congregation. Its mission is to deepen members’ Jewish experience and knowledge, in order to strengthen faith in God, love of Torah, and identification with […]

Jewish Discovery Center

The Jewish Discovery Center offers Chabad educational, religious, cultural and social opportunities for all age groups, serving thousands of Jewish families in the northern suburbs. Programs include Montessori preschool, Hebrew […]

Temple Sholom

Temple Sholom is a Reform synagogue that welcomes all people in search of a spiritual home. Its mission is to embolden individuals and families to embrace Jewish practice and learning […]

Shomrei Olam

Shomrei  (guardians of) Olam (the earth) is dedicated to bringing forth a green, sustainable future for the Jewish community, the Greater Cincinnati area, and the nation and planet, at large. […]

Sha’arei Torah

Congregation Sha’arei Torah (CST), the Village Shul, is an active, committed congregation of Modern Orthodox Jews located in Amberley Village, a suburb of Cincinnati. CST members aspire to a holistic […]

Rockwern Academy

Rockwern Academy (Rockwern), formerly known as Yavneh Day School, is a pluralistic Jewish day school welcoming Jewish families of all denominations, affiliated or unaffiliated. Students, families, and teachers work together […]