Chevra Kadisha of Cincinnati

The Chevra Kadisha is a Jewish burial society which provides honorable Jewish burial preparation (Tahara) in accordance with Jewish law & tradition. This process respects the body of the deceased and elevates […]

Cincinnati Community Mikveh

The Cincinnati Community Mikveh, located in Amberley Village, serves the Greater Cincinnati area. A mikvah is a pool used for ritual immersion according to Jewish tradition. This state-of the-art facility […]

Cincinnati Jewish Experience

CJX’s mission is to provide a space for anyone seeking to explore their Jewish heritage and pursue the knowledge and guidance needed to make informed decisions about their Jewish future. […]

Cincinnati Mohel

Rabbi Heinemann is an expert Mohel (practitioner of ritual circumcision) with advanced mastery of physiological as well as the spiritual dimensions of circumcision. He is recommended by many local pediatricians […]

Cincy Jewish Socials

Cincy Jewish Socials (CJS) is Cincinnati’s newest social organization for young professional Jews (ages 21-39). There’s no synagogue affiliation or denomination. Just cool Jews getting together to meet other Jews […]


Elech is Cincinnati’s Queer Jew-ish Community, working with other Jewish organizations and organizing their own events to create a truly queer and Jewish space in the Queen City. Contact us

Friday Night Shabbat

Friday Night Shabbat is a new initiative offering free Shabbat dinners to our target audience of families with young children (at least one child 12 or under) on most Friday nights, except holiday weekends. In addition, interested […]


ish is a Cincinnati-based community engagement organization centering  Jewish arts and cultural traditions as a platform for connecting artists with communities to create new experiences, inspire pride in Jewish and intersectional […]


Do you wish you were part of a vibrant Modern Orthodox Jewish community where your voice was heard, your commute was manageable and Jewish Day Schools were affordable? Are you […]