Five Reasons Why Observing Shabbat May Improve Your Life
Taking time for Shabbat can help your marriage, your family, your creativity and give you a perspective on life that you might miss if you don’t take a break and turn off the tech devices.
Taking time for Shabbat can help your marriage, your family, your creativity and give you a perspective on life that you might miss if you don’t take a break and turn off the tech devices.
The idea of “arguing” with G-d is a central part of Judaism. We are not meant to be robots, not meant to passively watch as Hashem’s plan plays itself out. We are meant to take initiative – fight the trend, push the limits. Become a partner in fixing the world.
I fell into a burning ring of fire. Fell down, down, down and the flames went higher.
You talking to me? I’m the only one here. You talking to me?
Join us as we reconvene and find Sarah in a shtik nachas.
He ain’t heavy, he’s going to be the father of a great nation.
Parallel lives, chiastic stories, and wondering Jews.
Join us as we leave Ishmael, and align our study group with the verses traditionally read on the High Holidays. Buckle up, place your biblical tray tables in their upright positions, and let’s begin!