Picnic Food

Baba ganoush, Israeli couscous, pita, hummus, Shoko — I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

My Paper Children

The story of how Twin Cities Jewish book publisher, Yotzeret Publishing, got started — told directly from the woman who started it.

A Sense of Belonging: My Conversion Story

I grew up in a silent spiritual world, the seed of what was yet to come, planted so deeply, it took years to sprout. But when it did I discovered healing, wholeness, a sense of belonging—to my synagogue, Shir Tikvah, and Judaism. But it took a long time, and required a lot of help, to get there, to get to this moment.

Got Noshes? Gluten-free Treats Prove Tricky

Food is an essential ingredient in Jewish life. So says my partner, Liddy, and I’m sure most agree with her. Last April, when my naturopathic nutritionist recommended I eliminate gluten, […]

The State of My (Interfaith) Union

Mike sits next to me at Shabbat services, and that night on the bimah, when we received our blessing on our tenth anniversary, he mumbled Kiddush alongside me. And he is still not a Jew, and he doesn’t always feel like he fits in with the Jewish community. And I know what that feels like, and when I see him trying anyway, it makes me try harder. To make his choice to be part of all this worth it.