A Rabbinic Reflection on the Death of Yahya Sinwar


I was a high schooler in Jerusalem when the father of mass terrorism against my people, Yassar Arafat, died. His death brought me messy emotions: Satisfaction that this agent of […]

A Year Later


A visitor (of which there are very few these days) might comment on how relatively normal life looks in Israel, even after a year of war. The beaches are full […]

Students Gather to Honor Memory of Israeli Hostages


After the announcement of the murder of six Israeli hostages by Hamas over Labor Day weekend, including American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, protests and vigils were held around the world. Israel […]

Harrowing Tales of Gaza at Chabad


ָּברּוְך ַא ָּתה ה‘ ֱאֹל ֵהינּו ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעֹו ָלם ַהּגֹו ֵמל ְל ַחּיָ ִבים טֹובֹות ֶׁש ְּג ָמ ַלנִי ָּכל טֹוב.  Baruch ata Hashem, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, ha-gomel l’chayavim […]

Unofficially Officially – – – – – Jewish


When my daughter’s birth certificate still hadn’t arrived a month later, I knew I had to bite the bullet and call the Ministry. After 57 minutes on hold, I was […]

We All Lose in the Oppression Olympics


A Progressive Queer Jew’s Thoughts on Israel/Palestine, Antisemitism, and Zionism Over the last six months, friends and peers have asked unique questions because of my identity and position as a […]