Foody Fun Pesach


The minute Purim is over, I start thinking about Passover.  Who am I kidding? I start thinking about Pesach right after Tu b’Shvat, but I try not to DO anything […]

The Still Small Voice


We have a Yom Kippur tradition in our family. Call it family custom, call it superstition, but we do not attend Yizkor service until we’ve lost someone close to us. […]

How To Politely Turn Down Purim Gifts


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam, My synagogue is a place where people tend to […]

Purim – It’s Not What it Seems


Like Tu b’Shvat, which I wrote about last month, Purim also suffers from the image of being a pediatric holiday. Purim is fun. We give and get gifts of food, […]

Ask the Rabbi: Business Partner Gone Wrong


Rabbi, I just found out my best friend and business partner has been stealing money from our company for years. I am devastated and angry and don’t know what to […]

Ask the Rabbi: Am I Jewish Now?


Question: I was raised in a Christian home but never had much of a connection with my faith. I recently participated in 23 and Me, and my results came back […]

Ask A Rabbi: How do I talk about conversion with my partner?


Question: I am in a relationship with someone who isn’t Jewish. They were raised Catholic but don’t have any connection to organized religion. My Jewish identity is very important to […]