“Kosher” Halloween Costumes


This year, Halloween (the formerly pagan and now American version of Purim, without the awesome we-survived-an-attempted-genocide-and-now-we-eat-triangular-cookies back story) falls at the end of the Jewish holiday season. Some folks like […]

Jewish Drinking With Rabbi Drew: Drinking on Hanukkah


Cincy Jewfolk is proud to partner with Rabbi Drew Kaplan to bring you a past episode of his podcast Jewish Drinking. Rabbi Drew Kaplan has been seeking to advance and enhance the […]

Carrying the Burden: Taking a Stand Against Antisemitism


I found out about my Jewish heritage a couple of months ago after participating in a genetic study at a local hospital that left me with more questions than answers. […]

My Sister, Independence, & The IDF


Throughout my life, I felt a profound connection to my Jewish identity. Whether it was Jewish youth groups or summer camp, Shabbat dinners or holidays, my identity and connection with […]

Looking For Love In Jerusalem


Jerusalem is to some American Jews what New York is to some aspiring actors: a good place to wash up for a while and dream of better things. And when […]

An Open Letter to My Mom


To Mom It May Concern, Well, well, well. Another year has gone by, and again, I find myself incredibly irritated. I write this letter to convey my complete and utter […]