Can Jewish Culture Exist Without Religion?
If bagels, Hanukkah and movies on Christmas were enough for my childhood, then why isn’t it enough for my children?
If bagels, Hanukkah and movies on Christmas were enough for my childhood, then why isn’t it enough for my children?
Desperate to find a book club where she belongs, TC Jewfolk writer, Nina Badzin, discovers that the chosen people are not her first choice.
In honor of my fourteenth wedding anniversary (it’s tomorrow!), I’m going to tell you about an unexpected improvement to my marriage…
It’s the month of Adar, my friends, the month when Purim occurs. According to the Talmud, “When Adar enters, joy increases.” So are we supposed to simply hope that Adar will be our happiest time of the year because one particularly fun holiday falls during the month?
How to decipher what to wear to a b’nai mitzvah party.
Nina Badzin explores our attachment to superstitions involving babies and explains why she’ll wait to announce her baby’s name.
She went from unable to make scrambled eggs to a Shabbat-dinner-making, Sukkah-decorating, Seder-creating, full-fledged balebusta.
Nina Badzin argues that there’s a better Jewish holiday to compare to Christmas than Hanukkah, and it’s the one about to happen!
Facebook gives glimpses into the interests and personal spheres of old friends.