A Random Walk With Rashi: Wordlessly Watching
He ain’t heavy, he’s going to be the father of a great nation.
He ain’t heavy, he’s going to be the father of a great nation.
Parallel lives, chiastic stories, and wondering Jews.
Our G-d who art in Hendiadys, Hapox Legonimen be thy name.
Join us as we leave Ishmael, and align our study group with the verses traditionally read on the High Holidays. Buckle up, place your biblical tray tables in their upright positions, and let’s begin!
Join us as we tackle a verse devoid of Rashi’s insights.
We turn our focus back on Abraham, as we divert our gaze toward Israel.
We continue with Abraham and Issac. This week we tackle more of the Akedah, the binding of Isaac.
Moriah-gate: What Did Abraham Know, and When Did He Know It ?
Love means never having to say you’re it, son.
Seventy-one years ago today my great-grandfather was arrested and sent to Auschwitz. This month, my family published his memoir.