Ways to Take Care of Yourself

Israeli officials confirmed this week that Shiri Bibas and her two young children, Ariel and Kfir, were killed by Hamas. The children’s bodies were returned to Israel along with the body of hostage Oded Lifshitz, a journalist and peace activist.

The news of their deaths at the hands of Hamas terrorists has sent shockwaves through the Jewish community.

Taking care of oneself and processing complex feelings can be difficult in times like this.

1. Let Yourself Mourn

This news is heartbreaking. There’s no “right” way to process it—whether you need to cry, pray, light a yahrzeit candle, or just sit with your feelings, give yourself permission to grieve.

2. Lean on Community

We’re not meant to carry this pain alone. Reach out to friends and family; give someone a call. Even if you don’t talk about what happened, being around loved ones can help you move through your feelings.

3. Limit Social Media Doomscrolling

It’s easy to fall into the trap of scrolling and checking for updates. Given the fraught nature of social media and the rise in antisemitism online, try to limit exposure. Consider setting a timer or temporarily deleting social media apps from your phone.

4. Get Outside/Movement

Spending time outside, even just going for a short walk, can be grounding. Attending a workout class or engaging in simple movement can also help process emotions physically.

5. Channel Grief Into Action

When tragedy strikes, taking action can be a way to honor those lost. Donate to hostage advocacy groups, write to elected officials, or support Israeli and Jewish organizations working for the community’s well-being.