Adath Israel Begins Search for New Senior Rabbi

Rabbi Moshe Smolkin will step down as senior rabbi of the Adath Israel Congregation at the end of June 2025, according to an email sent to Adath Israel congregants on Aug. 22. Smolkin has been the senior rabbi at Adath Israel since 2019. 

“It has been a difficult decision,” said Smolkin. “While our life here has been wonderful, my family has been considering our next steps.”

Part of the Smolkin family’s decision was to live closer to family and find a Jewish high school for their children. 

Smolkin’s tenure at Adath Israel Synagogue began right before the COVID-19 pandemic. Adath Israel President Hamilton Lempert said the rabbi’s leadership helped them pivot and guide the synagogue through the pandemic. 

“His passion, vision, and outreach efforts have made a difference in so many lives at Adath Israel including my own,” said Lempert. “I started my presidency with the intent to set Adath Israel up for future success. What could be more impactful than helping to choose our next spiritual leader.”

Rabbi Smolkin told Cincy Jewfolk over email that a search committee had been formed. 

“I will do everything I can to help make this a smooth transition, and I wish everyone at Adath blessings for this new year and into the future,” he said.

Adath Israel, aligned with the Conservative Jewish denomination, will likely run headlong into the shortage of rabbis currently affecting Conservative and Reform communities. Multiple factors drive the shortage, from a decline in synagogue membership to dwindling Reform and Conservative rabbinical school enrollment. 

“It has been an honor serving our congregation,” said Smolkin in an email to congregants. “Your passion for community and your care for our congregation is inspiring. I am grateful for the moments that we have shared together, and I look forward to the time that we will share together in this new year.”