We are less than two weeks away from the start of the Jewish holiday season. So we’re bringing you a comprehensive guide to high holiday services across the greater Cincinnati area. No matter what kind of service you’re looking for we’ve got you covered.
This year, Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Friday, September 15, and Yom Kippur begins at sundown on Sunday, September 24. Make sure to reach out to your preferred place of worship to reserve your spot if needed!
- Temple Sholom welcomes all people: seekers, multifaith families, and those in search of a spiritual home for this High Holy Day season. No need for reservations or tickets for both online and in-person worship opportunities. Looking for a spiritual social action project? A community Rosh Hashanah lunch? A High Holy Day family interactive service with beekeepers? A deep dive into our sacred texts? A traditional Reform service? Great! Find out more HERE. Everyone is welcome!
- Rockdale Temple looks forward to welcoming you throughout the High Holy Day season! Our warm, welcoming Reform congregation provides opportunities for all ages to worship, learn, and gather. Services are offered in-person with an online streaming option – no tickets needed. Service times and information for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are available on our website. Rockdale Temple is marking our Bicentennial in 5784, celebrating 200 Years of Living Jewish Values! Our congregation emphasizes lifelong learning, uplifting worship experiences, and acts of lovingkindness. We are proud to create and nurture a sacred community. Let us welcome you by contacting our office at shalom@rockdaletemple.org or 513-891-9900. L’shanah Tovah!
- Wise Temple Isaac M. Wise Temple offers services and special events throughout the High Holy Days at both Wise Center in Amberley and at the historic Plum Street Temple in downtown Cincinnati. While many Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur events are limited to Wise Temple members, non-members with young families are invited to register for our Young Families (YoFI) services. In addition, free High Holy Days tickets are provided upon request to any young adult, 34 and under. Please contact Heather Spegal at 513-793.2556 in advance to reserve a digital ticket. A full listing of High Holy Days activities and ticketing policies can be found on our website at www.wisetemple.org/worship/holidays/.
- Adath Israel is a Kehilah Kedoshah, a Conservative Jewish community, that supports congregants during significant life events, and in their journeys to become more involved, knowledgeable, and spiritually fulfilled Jews. Our egalitarian High Holiday Services are led by Rabbi Moshe Smolkin and Mitch Cohen and information about our service offerings can be found on our High Holiday Hub, we welcome you to join us.
- Beth Israel Congregation is a Conservative synagogue serving Hamilton, Ohio, and surrounding areas. Liturgically traditional and socially forward-looking, we strive to be a spiritual home for Jews of every level of observance, interfaith families, and spiritual seekers. Rabbi Daniel Vaisrub, Professor of Talmud at Hebrew Seminary in Chicago, will be leading services as a guest rabbi, with Dr. Albert Weisbrodt joining once again as cantor. RSVP by emailing bethisraelhamiltonoh@gmail.com. Ticket purchase is not required.
- Northern Hills Synagogue is an inclusive community, affiliated with the USCJ and located in the northern Cincinnati suburbs and excited to welcome all levels of observance and participation. Our services are led by Rabbi Noah Ferro and many congregational lay leaders. We will have multiple opportunities to learn (in sessions from?) Rabbi Ferro and Rabbi Sam Schapera, our Associate Rabbi. Family programs will be available, conducted by our Director of Education, Idit Moss. Tickets are not required to attend, but please let us know if you plan to attend! You can contact us at office@nhs-cba.org or call us at 513-931-6038. Our entire schedule of High Holiday services and events is available at nhs-cba.org/hhd and all our events are shared at nhs-cba.org/upcomingevents.
- Congregation Etz Chaim in Sycamore Township is an egalitarian participatory Synagogue where everyone is welcome and you instantly become family upon arrival. Nonjudgmental, no-ticket services will be held at 8100 Cornell Road, featuring Cantorial Soloist Rebecca Axelrod. Erev Rosh Hashanah on Friday Night, Sept. 15, at 6 p.m. The first day of Rosh Hashanah, Saturday, September 16, 8:45 a.m. with Mincha/Maariv at 7:30pm. Second day of Rosh Hashanah, Sunday, September 17, 8:45 a.m., with Day II luncheon and tashlich to follow. Kol Nidre, Sunday, September 24 at 6:30pm cellist and Moving Service. Monday, September 25, Yom Kippur stars at 9 a.m., Yizkor Approximately 11:45am. Mincha-Neilah/Closing Service, 5:15 p.m. If you would more information about our community and what we have to offer please reach out to Hank Lerer, our executive director by emailing hlerer@fuse.net or checking out our Facebook. Shana Tovah!
- Sha’arei Torah is a Modern Orthodox congregation in Amberley Village. There is no cost, no membership or RSVP necessary to attend our services – feel free to come as you are! Rosh HaShanah morning services begin at 8:30 AM (on both 9/16 and 9/17), ending at approximately 1:00 PM. Yom Kippur morning services begin at 9:00 AM, ending at approximately 2:30 PM. Babysitting is provided throughout the length of services, with youth groups for ages 3-11 taking place during that time as well. You can find a full schedule at tinyurl.com/2023hh. For questions and more information, contact Rabbi Ezra Goldschmiedt at 347-443-8613 or rabbi@shaareitorahcincy.org.
- Chabad Jewish Center: Rosh Hashana Eve Friday, September 15: Mincha & Evening Services, 7:00 pm Chabad Family New Years Dinner, 7:30 pm. First Day, Saturday, September 16: Morning services 9:00 am, Junior Minyan Kids Shul 10:00 am, Shofar sounding 11:00 am Service followed by an elaborate buffet Yom Tov lunch. Mincha & Evening Services, 7:00 pm (Tashlich is postponed this year and only on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah because of Shabbat) Second Day, Sunday, September 17 Morning services 9:00 am Junior Minyan Kids Shul 10:00 am Shofar sounding 11:00 am, Service followed by an elaborate buffet Yom Tov lunch. Shofar&Tashlich in the Park 5:45 pm – 6:15 pm at Blue Ash Nature Park – 4337 Cooper Road Mincha followed by Tashlich Evening Services 7:00 pm Followed by Havdalah 8:15 pm. YOM KIPPUR September 24 – 25: Sunday, September 24: Morning Service at 9:00 am, Mincha Afternoon Service at 3:15 pm, Kol Nidrei 6:45 pm, Fast Begins at 7:12 pm. Monday, September 25: Morning Service 9:00 am, Yizkor Memorial Service 11:30 am, Mincha Afternoon Service & Reading of Jonah 6:00 pm, and Neilah Closing Service 7:15 pm. Final Shofar & Fast Ends 8:10 pm, service followed by elaborate buffet break-fast.
- Chabad at UC has been providing Jewish services and needs for Jewish college students, as well as Clifton-area residents, visitors, and hospital patients and families for 18 years. All are welcome to our traditional services and delicious Shabbat and Holiday meals. All Jews of any background are welcome, beginners too! We’ll have Rosh Hashanah services and meals on Friday and Saturday nights, and Saturday and Sunday as well. As it’s most important to hear Shofar on Sunday, we have several times scheduled. Please click here to see the Rosh Hashanah schedule! For more info, please email info@chabadatuc.com.
- Congregation Beth Adam is Greater Cincinnati’s only congregation practicing Judaism with a Humanistic perspective. Congregation Beth Adam was established in 1980 in response to the needs of a contemporary and diverse Jewish community. Dedicated to the celebration of traditional Jewish holidays and life cycle events, Beth Adam approaches Judaism from a humanistic perspective. As a congregation, we affirm a moral commitment to human dignity and ethical behavior. We encourage each member to explore their Jewish heritage with an open mind and a willingness to take personal responsibility in determining his or her life course. High Holidays Schedule– no tickets required. September 15 at 7:30 PM Erev Rosh Hashanah, September 16 at 10:30 AM Rosh Hashanah Morning Service, September 16 at 12 noon– Oneg,September 16 at 2:30 PM– Children’s Service. September 24 at 7:30 PM Kol Nidre, September 25 at 10:30 AM Yom Kippur Morning Service, September 25 at 12 noon Torah Study, September 25 at 2:30 PM Children’s Service, September 25 at 4:30 PM Memorial Service. Contact the office for additional information at 513-985-0400
- Cincinnati Hillel is the epicenter for young Jewish life in Cincinnati and will be hosting services and meals for students over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Our liberal style services combine various Reform, Conservative, and Traditional elements along with warm camp-inspired melodies and songs for a spirited and uplifting High Holiday Season. Zak Draznin, Alum, and Chazzan has crafted and will be leading our services on both Saturday, September 15th, and Yom Kippur Kol Nidre and Day September 24th and 25th. Are you a community member interested in joining? Please email our Director of Programming, Michael Evers, to find out ticket details.
Note: If you’re a community leader and would like to be added to this listing, please email sam@jewfolk.com with the information and any relevant links.