Cincy Jewfolk’s Holiday Guide for Cincinnati

Jump To: Pesach | The Omer | The Yamim

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In 2025/5785 Pesach begins at sundown April 12 and ends at sundown either April 19 or April 20 depending on practice.

About This Holiday

Learn from: Aish (Orthodox)Chabad (Orthodox)Exploring Judaism (Conservative)My Jewish Learning (non-denominational) | Reform Judaism


All events listed at Eastern Time and are on Zoom if no location is noted. Submit an event here or email

Illuminated Haggadot Class (Adath Israel) 7:30 PM Thursday, April 3. Adath Israel Congregation (3201 E Galbraith Rd)

60 & Better Passover Seder (Mayerson JCC) 11 AM Friday, April 4. Mayerson JCC (8485 Ridge Ave) $4-12

Passover Delivery Project (Jewish Family Service) 9 AM Sunday, April 6. Heldman Family Food Pantry (3113 Clifton Ave)

Community Seder (PJ Library, Rockwern Academy) 2 PM Sunday, April 6. Rockwern Academy (8401 Montgomery Rd) $5

Tambourine Painting (Mayerson JCC) 6 PM Monday, April 7. Mayerson JCC (8485 Ridge Ave) $10-15

Reclaiming Our Voices Women’s Seder (Adath Israel) 7:30 PM Monday, April 7. Adath Israel Congregation (3201 E Galbraith Rd) $15-18

Community Intergroup Seder (AJC Cincinnati) 11:30 AM Tuesday, April 8. Mayerson JCC (8485 Ridge Rd) $18

Minyan and Firstborn Breakfast (Adath Israel) 8 AM Thursday, April 10. Adath Israel Congregation (3201 E Galbraith Rd)

USY/Gesher Chocolate Seder (Adath Israel) 6 PM Thursday, April 10. Adath Israel Congregation (3201 E Galbraith Rd)

Second Night Seders (Sunday, April 13)

Northern Hills Synagogue 5:30 PM. Northern Hills Synagogue (5714 Fields Ertel Rd) $36-150

Adath Israel 6 PM. Adath Israel Congregation (3201 E Galbraith Rd)

Rockdale Temple 6 PM. Rockdale Temple (8501 Ridge Rd) $60-72

Chabad Jewish Center 8 PM. Chabad Jewish Center (3977 Hunt Rd) $32-40

Jewish Discovery Center 8 PM. Jewish Discovery Center (7587 Central Parke Blvd, Mason) $36

Cincinnati Young Adult Passover Seder (NextGen@Wise, Division of Adulting) 6:30 PM Thursday, April 17. Plum Street Temple (720 Plum St) $36

Mimouna Dinner and Celebration (Adath Israel) 6 PM Sunday, April 27. Adath Israel Congregation (3201 E Galbraith Rd)

Further Resources & Reading

Bringing Teens to the Seder Table (Exploring Judaism)

Celebrating Passover With Your Family (PJ Library)

LGBTQ-affirming articles, rituals, and Torah commentaries (Keshet)

Parenting By Parsha: Shabbat Pesach (Cincy Jewfolk)

Passover Articles (Orthodox Union)

Passover Ceremonies, Poems, Songs & more (Ritualwell)

Passover Source Sheets (Sefaria)

Passover & Sustainability (Hazon)

Passover Unbound (Judaism Unbound)

Passover & Mental Health (Blue Dove Foundation)

Pesach Writing & Videos (The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust)

Two Kids, Four Questions: How To Appease Children At The Seder? (Cincy Jewfolk)

What to the Black Jew Is Passover? (Evolve)

What To Do When I Don’t Want To Host Two Seders? (Cincy Jewfolk)

Haggadot & Haggadah Supplements

Seder Your to Hostages the Bringing (Everyone Counts)

Companion to the Haggadah (Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies)

Customize Your Own Haggadah (Haggadot)

Dancing In Between Haggadah (The LUNAR Collective)

The Fifth Child: A Passover Reading (Jewish Democratic Women for Action)

The Four Cups of Consciousness (Shefa)

The Gateways Haggadah (Gateways)

HIAS Haggadah (HIAS)

In Every Generation: A Haggadah Supplement (Shalom Hartman Institute)

Passover Guide / Guia de Passover(Jewtina & Co.)

Global Justice Haggadah (American Jewish World Service)

Hebrew/English Haggadah (Chabad)

In Every Generation: Interactive Family Haggadah (PJ Library)

Plastover – An Exodus from Plastic Waste (Reboot)

Velveteen Rabbi’s Haggadah for Pesach (Velveteen Rabbi)

The Wandering is Over Haggadah (Jewish Women’s Archive)

Why Is This Night Different? (The iCenter)

Sell Your Chametz

Adath Israel Congregation


Recipes & Crafts

Light As Air Macaroons | Passover-Friendly Black and White Cookies | Passover Crack(er) (Cincy Jewfolk)

47 Passover Recipes for a Delicious Seder and Beyond (Bon Appetit)

7 Charoset Recipes to Give Passover an International Flair (Be’chol Lashon)

Passover Crafts & Activities (Bible Belt Balabusta)

Passover Crafts & Recipes (Our Happy Tribe)

Passover Food (The Nosher)

Passover Recipes, Crafts, & Inspiration (Rebekah Lowin)

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The Omer

We count the Omer for 49 days, starting on the second night of Pesach/Passover and ending with Shavuot. In 2025/5785 the Omer period begins the evening of April 13 and concludes June 1 before sunset.

Lag B’Omer, the 33rd day of the Omer, falls from sundown May 15 – sundown May 16.

About This Holiday

Learn from: Aish (Orthodox)Chabad (Orthodox)Exploring Judaism (Conservative)My Jewish Learning (non-denominational) | Reform Judaism

Classes & Events

All events listed at Eastern Time and are on Zoom if no location is noted. Submit an event here or email

Self-Guided Practices

49 Steps (Limmud North America)

My Omer: 49 Steps to Personal Refinement (Meaningful Life Center)

The Omer Workbook: A 49 Day Self-Care Immersion (Gold Herring)

Further Resources & Tools

Lag B’Omer & Sefirat Ha’Omer Source Sheets (Sefaria)

Omer Ceremonies, Poems, Songs & more (Ritualwell)

What is the Lag BaOmer pilgrimage? (The Conversation)

Writing & Videos on The Omer/Lag B’Omer (The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust)

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The Yamim

“The Yamim” (plural of “yom,” or days) are a closely-bunched group of modern spring holidays that fall in the weeks after Passover.

Yom HaShoah—which commemorates approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and the Jewish resistance in that period—is on 27 Nisan, or sunset April 23 – sunset April 24 in 2025/5785.

Yom HaZikaron—Israel’s official remembrance day, traditionally dedicated to fallen soldiers, also extended to civilian victims of terrorism—is on 4 Iyar, or sunset April 29 – sunset April 30 in 2025/5785.

Yom HaAtzmaut—commemorating the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948—is on 5 Iyar, corresponding to sunset April 30 – sunset May 1 in 2025/5785.

Yom Yerushalayim—commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War—is on 28 Iyar, from sunset May 25 – sunset May 26 in 2025/5785.

About These Holidays

Yom Hazikaron: Israel’s Memorial Day | Yom Ha’atzmaut: Israel Independence Day | Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day (My Jewish Learning)

Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikkaron, Yom Haatzma’ut, and Yom Yerushalayim (Exploring Judaism)

Yom HaShoah | Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut (Reform Judaism)


Events listed at Eastern Time and are on Zoom if no location is noted. Submit an event here.

Yom HaShoah Commemoration (Holocaust & Humanity Center, Mayerson JCC) 2 PM Sunday, April 27. Mayerson JCC (8485 Ridge Ave)

Yom HaAtzmaut (Mayerson JCC, Jewish Federation of Cincinnati) 4:30 PM Thursday, May 1. Mayerson JCC (8485 Ridge Rd)

Breakfast For Israel (Jewish National Fund USA) 8:30 AM Thursday, May 8. RSVP for location

Further Resources & Tools

A Yom HaShoah Benediction (Cincy Jewfolk)

How I Became Holocaust Girl: A Story for Yom HaShoah (Cincy Jewfolk)

Yom HaShoah Articles (My Jewish Learning)

Articles on Yom HaShoah | Yom HaZikaron | Yom HaAtzmaut | Yom Yerushalayim (Orthodox Union)

Ritual Components for Yom HaShoah | Yom HaZikaron | Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Ritualwell)

Writing & Videos on Yom HaShoah | Yom HaZikaron | Yom Ha’atzmaut | Yom Yerushalayim (Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust)

Articles on Yom Ha-atzmaut (Rabbinical Assembly)

Yom Ha’atzmaut with Children (PJ Library)

Yom HaAtzmaut & Yom Yerushalayim Source Sheets (Sefaria)

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