27 December 2024

Music Together

Mayerson JCC 8485 Ridge Ave, Cincinnati Ridge Avenue 8485, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Music Together® is an early childhood music and movement program for children—and the grownups who love them—to develop their innate musicality though interactive songs, beautiful lullabies, and catchy rhythms. Registration […]

Care Partner Support: 5 Weeks to Change

**Instructor: Diane Slovin** Who is a care provider? Are you a Care Provider? (You might be surprised.) 53 million family members were caring for loved ones in 2020, and this […]

PJ Library and the Great Hamantaschen Bake

Mayerson JCC 8485 Ridge Ave, Cincinnati Ridge Avenue 8485, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

_Ages 12 & Under_ It's hamantaschen time! Roll up your sleeves and let's make a delicious mess together! We will make the dough, fold the cookies, and fill them with […]

J Baby (Winter 2025)

Mayerson JCC 8485 Ridge Ave, Cincinnati Ridge Avenue 8485, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Join in community with others who are expecting their first child during this prenatal series. The program will include courses taught by certified professionals, pediatricians, and doulas and will prepare […]

Music Together

Mayerson JCC 8485 Ridge Ave, Cincinnati Ridge Avenue 8485, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Music Together® is an early childhood music and movement program for children—and the grownups who love them—to develop their innate musicality though interactive songs, beautiful lullabies, and catchy rhythms. Registration […]

Care Partner Support: 5 Weeks to Change

**Instructor: Diane Slovin** Who is a care provider? Are you a Care Provider? (You might be surprised.) 53 million family members were caring for loved ones in 2020, and this […]

CJX Spring Journey to Poland (Registration of Interest)

Join us on the journey of a lifetime as we embark on a meaningful exploration of Jewish life before, during and after the Holocaust. While each journey is unique, our […]

J Baby (Winter 2025)

Mayerson JCC 8485 Ridge Ave, Cincinnati Ridge Avenue 8485, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Join in community with others who are expecting their first child during this prenatal series. The program will include courses taught by certified professionals, pediatricians, and doulas and will prepare […]

Care Partner Support: 5 Weeks to Change

**Instructor: Diane Slovin** Who is a care provider? Are you a Care Provider? (You might be surprised.) 53 million family members were caring for loved ones in 2020, and this […]

Care Partner Support: 5 Weeks to Change

**Instructor: Diane Slovin** Who is a care provider? Are you a Care Provider? (You might be surprised.) 53 million family members were caring for loved ones in 2020, and this […]