J Baby (Spring 2025)
So, you’re starting a Jewish family, but need some help to prepare? The J
offers soon-to-be parents essential classes on the basics of childbirth and
infant care through J Baby! Join in community with others who are expecting
their first child during this prenatal series, taught by certified
professionals, pediatricians, and doulas.
**Discussion Topics**
* Pre-Class Social
* Labor & Delivery
* Infant Care & Newborn Safety
* Lactation
* Jewish Life & Ritual
* Preparing for 4th Trimester
* Celebratory Dinner
**Additional Dates:**
Pre-Class Social | **Monday, April 21** | 6 – 8pm
Celebratory Brunch| **Sunday, June 1** | 10:30am – 12:30pm
View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/10473